I’m Back, Maybe

Consider this step 1 in the (attempted) relaunch of the Ardwulf’s Lair blog. We’ll see how I do.

Those who have been around forever will recall that the whole Ardwulf’s Lair thing started with a blog, mostly about MMORPGs. However, in recent years I have not played MMORPGs very much, aside from intense but brief stints in EVE Online and The Elder Scrolls Online. What I have mostly been doing for gaming has been analog gaming, of the historical board wargame variety, with the occasional foray into tabletop RPGs.

Old-timers may also recall that in the ancient days I was also pretty prolific, averaging a blog post a day for several years. These days I am still kind of prolific, just over on my YouTube channel, where I find to my shock and discombobulation that I’ve become one of the larger voices in our tiny fishbowl of a space.

So part of the motivation is to just get back into a rhythm of regular writing. You will not see a post a day… but maybe you’ll see a post every couple of weeks, which is a couple orders of magnitude more than I’ve posted on this blog for the past several years. The content will be related to my primary hobby, which as I mentioned is historical board wargames nowadays. So subscribe or unsubscribe, as you please, although I don’t imagine that very many are left over from the old days.

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